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“Climate change is now reaching the end-game, where very soon humanity must choose between taking
unprecedented action, or accepting that it has been left too late and bear the consequences.”


Prof. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber - founder of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and a key member of the IPCC.


However, change isn’t happening nearly fast enough due to climate denial (which has morphed into the climate action delay),
political inaction, public apathy and overwhelm, and media bubbles caused by media concentration and social media. 



ROUSER’s bubble-bursting philosophy asserts that large-scale, rapid climate action will occur when mainstream people are
more effectively engaged and activated.


Our strategy is to reach our audience and earn their attention by blurring the line between entertainment, activism and art.
ROUSER interventions package their messages inside disruptive, highly entertaining Trojan Horses.


In early 2020, we were weeks away from filming a large piece with director Nash Edgerton, featuring Chris Hemsworth and his stunt double,
Bobby Holland Hanton. COVID shut down our production. Booo! In the following months, ROUSER lost most of its production funding. BOOO!

ROUSER still has about a dozen interventions at different stages of development, including the Hemsworth piece. We aim to have several
interventions go live in 2021. If you're interested in seeing any of these concepts, please contact me.   




This intervention was in rapid-response to COVID-19 and the challenges of talking about climate change in the middle of the pandemic. Wearing a
BUT ALSO CLIMATE CHANGE t-shirt is a way to restart the climate change conversation without alienating people.


See the site.

But Also_animated gif.gif

We’ve been putting the t-shirt on celebrities and influencers who post on social media or make media appearances in it.

But also climate page.jpg

Everyday people can help spread the word too by buying a t-shirt and posting in it.

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