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The Wilderness Society's community organising program - Movement for Life - is modelled on Obama's game-changing approach

to community organising in the 2008 Presidential election.  It's operated at scale and run by an organiser who

worked on the Obama campaign in 08.

The guiding principle is that politics can be influenced by a grass roots movement of organised voters. A movement can be built

by training and creating self-guided groups who go out and create more groups. New cells. It's kind of the same model

as contemporary terrorism!

People are engaged and recruited using one-on-one conversations. The magic hook is the recruiter's personal story. Successful stories relate to the issue at hand. They're also relevant to the the other person in the conversation.  Of course are they need to be

deeply personal and emotive.

Change, in some situations, can be achieved, one conversation at a time.

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